Corporate Social Responsibility

By partnering with QMI, you can demonstrate your commitment to social outcomes. Our programs offer tangible benefits, including support for gender diversity, promotion of sustainable practices and support for First Nations people.

QMI’s Meet the Cre8tive Dreamtime Makers Program introduces First Nations manufacturing and engineering STEM connections to both indigenous and non-indigenous primary school students. Showcasing the boomerang as the first piece of aerospace engineering, the digeridoo as the first manufactured woodwind instrument, land care, dugout canoes and more, this program identifies our First Nations people as pioneers in manufacturing and engineering.

The Climate Action Schools Partner Program involves one of QMI’s manufacturing industry LEAN experts spending 20 days over a school term turning a school’s waste into a commercial income stream.

Ready to make a difference? Click here for more information


Sustainable Solutions in Textile Recovery


Women Who Weld program leads to a new career in heavy automotive manufacturing